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Monday, August 04, 2008

Scottish Council Workers Strike 20 August

Advance notice - council workers' strike on 20th August
For the first time ever all 3 unions in Scottish local govt have simultaneously balloted for strike action, won resounding YES votes [see figures below] and now plan a one-day strike on 20 august, followed by selective action and probably further all-out one day strikes in September
Ballot results
UNISON 70% YES -  35% turnout
GMB 74% YES-  30% turnout
Unite(TGWU) 68% YES - 25% turnout

and some comments:
- when unions all work together for action you get a higher turn out
- the situation is getting worse with prices rising and this could help explain a higher turnout and yes vote in this ballot
- if English regions want to build confidence this side of the border then publicising and supporting this action by organising high profile regional and city protests could both build real solidarity and help make english local government workers feel stronger by seeing this as an important step in winning an increase in negotiations
- worth noting that the scottish unison website proposes that this day of action will be followed by key dates of selective action of workers

If the scottish leadership are serious about coordinating this action, and Unison's Local government this side of the border listening then together both sets of employers can be put under serious pressure.

But we need to remind them that the vote for action by Unison members is actually getting stronger not weaker. Now what we need is leadership and a clear strategy to win.

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