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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Negotiations start and Heather Wakefield has nothing to say....

Unison and Unite began pay negotiations with the Employers today and members in my office will be asking tomorrow what happened. But according to unison they just set the timetable? It would be useful to know what the employers are bringing to the table .. but yes its okay because we can read the lead negotiator and head of local government for Unison's report... but can we? well if you follow the link it appears Heather Wakefield has nothing to say.

Well jokes aside (and i have emailed the unison website to ask what the error is).

It would be good to find out what will be discussed by the NJC next week, and for activists to be able to discuss what action we can take now and how we can put maximum pressure on the employers and give maximum support to the negotiators, but we will be stronger if the employers know that negotiators have the full support of our members and for this we need to know as much as possible as soon as possible

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