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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

inflation, pay rises and negotiations

Inflation (as measured by Retail Price Index) is up to 5% the highest for 17 years. This is the measure usually used to inform pay negotiations so should add much needed weight and confidence to our Unison negotiations who met today with the local government employers.

And meanwhile Labour Research Dept showed that pay increases for private sector were at 4% for the last month

And the guardians polly toynbee (not that i have ever been much of a fan) rreported 20 years ago directors of FTSE top 100 companies earned 17 times average earnings and now 75 times as much. So lets remember who is fueling this record inflation and who is suffering massive pay cuts.

So what happened in pay negotiations today ? well according to the unison website not much, but next talks are on 22 August and in between that there is an NJC meeting. So getting in touch with NJC reps would seem like a good think to do if we want them to ensure that negotiators don't:
- sign upto a multi year deal when inflation is still rising quicker than ever
- agree any attacks on terms and conditions as a compromise for this deal

PS anyone got any idea what "nothing ruled in, nothing ruled out" negotiations means? what is it that the employers don't want us to rule out?

lets be clear when we speak to our negotiators that for our members there are some things that should be ruled out and an attack on our conditions is one of them.

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