welcome and stuff

Greetings! Use labels below to filter so you can read about union disputes, where i'm on holiday, revolutionary politics, or just what i have said in the last 7 days. Ta

Friday, October 03, 2008

Capitalist Crisis and Workers Plan

My mate Craig asked earlier this week what I thought about the capitalist crisis and suggested meeting up in a pub soon and chat about it... both things that i like doing... so i will...

To get my head into gear I'm attending this meeting on Saturday in Manchester

Details of meeting (and reading here) for anyone interested in meeting in either manchester or London

If anyone else i know wants to join us for an after work pint and chat about the crisis (informally obviously) let me know!  Or look at the reading (see above) or editorial from this weeks solidarity (which is shorter)  and let us know what you think

republic of teesside

Recently met republic of teesside blogger... on a visit to meet my workers liberty comrades from Teesside... we are now meeting in both Newcastle and Stockton and a public meeting is in preparation on Socialist Feminism for the near future

But I wonder recommend others in the north east who are reading this blog to pay a visit to Republic of Teesside as well ...

Berlin from 2007

Emily asked me about my previous blog to Berlin (for anyone visiting it is full of useful information honest)

But it is on myspace... and although i am sure i can repost it here i am too tired to ... so instead visit it by clicking here

but please also post any comments here on what else there is cool to do / visit when i go next...