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Sunday, September 07, 2008

Kevin Keegan gets support of Newcastle City Council?

There are several reports in the press of Newcastle City Council's support for Keegan. In a motion proposed by Labour Leader Nick Forbes and seconded by Lib dems (and in a show of cross party unity -  highlighting just how important this is) they called on NUFC to get it sorted quickly "recognising the wide scale public support for Kevin Keegan

Not that i am trying to downplay the significance of this for United fans, but just a thought... is this what the council is there for? I am waiting for the motion from councillors opposed Nexus's plans to sell off the metro "recognising the wide scale public support for a publicly owned and run metro system" and telling Nexus to end this speculation now and say no to a privately run metro..rather than waste thousands of pounds of our money checking whether to go with the in-house bid or a private one?

(PS there is no truth at all in the rumour that this post was just an opportunity to put a picture of keegan in tight shorts on this blog!)


ed whitby said...

read Ashley's statement in the papers today.
He's selling the club and saying don't demonstrate again, he's got the message.. if only Nexus or the north east councils who make up nexus would listen to the protests to save the public metro and say the same.

but i imagine they don't use the metro or if they do they won't be recognised on there and held accountable for there crime...

isnt Ashley the bloke who owns JJB sport? did he listen to the GMB members who were on strike in 2007? erm .. perhaps a post on this later?


Charlie Marks said...

Ashley's offering to sell to fans, according to News of the World:


Worth linking this to the metro issue. Keep Metro public, make Newcastle FC co-operative?

And yeah, it's that Mike Ashley! I await your post... I'm doing one of my own...

Anonymous said...

ED what do you make of this Irsh commentators analysis of England?
Is there a way out for the UK?


ed whitby said...


Not sure what to make of it really.. the long and short of it is the workers pay for the bosses mistakes.

The city and football are both examples of massive wealth next to massive poverty, London City, and clubs like Man U largely weather the storm while people loose jobs, are made homeless, and will be cold this winter because capitalism and the free market cannot deliver equality, or meet basic human needs even in the supposed most advanced countries.. and governments, UK and US have to help out the banks wasting billions, rather than pay workers a wage that keeps up with the increases in food and bills (inflation for the low paid is running at nearly 20% when you add up housing, fuel and food which makes up what most workers can afford) and in local government we get offered less than 2.5%

what do you think of the following articles:



and if you have a bit more time on your hands these economists make interesting reading too:


Charlie Marks said...

While we're suggesting reading matter, can I propose my post on footie & ownership: http://charliemarks.wordpress.com/2008/09/16/english-football-is-the-future-co-operative/

Anonymous said...

Great work.