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Friday, July 25, 2008

A workers' response to the crisis: fight for a workers' government!

Still working out how to use blogging via email

But as labour nosedived in the polls in Glasgow East, and the economy continues in crisis, it is more important than ever for socialists active in the workers movement to put forward the case for the kind of government we need to respond to this crisis.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Joint statement from emloyers, unite and unison

Attached is a joint statement (see below) so talks will begin in 3 weeks. I will try and be constructive.

But as one unison activist said to me today, it raises more questions than it answers! But we have a date for talks, which is a start.

Perhaps Unison should set a deadline for a firm proposal from the employers, they have had a couple of months since the ballot to think about it, and we have now given them another 4 weeks since the 2 days of action to come up with a response? By which time regions will have called open activist meetings to discuss the format of future action if needed (yes i know meetings are difficult over the summer, but we can't not discuss things for four weeks? we just need to be imaginative, call more than one meetings so those who are on holiday can make at least one?)

Then the employers will know that by the end of the deadine we have given them our members will be ready to take further action if the offer is not good enough.

I am not sure what we should read by "nothing ruled in, nothing ruled out" but what we need to down on the ground, in workplaces, branches and regions make sure the negotiators and most importantly the employers know that are members a beneath inflation pay rise is "ruled out"; a three-year deal, when inflation and costs are still rising is "ruled out" and an attack on our terms of conditions is "ruled out"

This is the best way that we can ensure our negotiators have the best chance of winning against our employers.

So I presume that regional officers have already been asked by the NJC to organise these joint activist planning meeting with UNITE and where possible supportive GMB and teachers unions activists, and ensuring that we have a plan of action (Plan B!) if the offer from the employers does not match the needs of our members. Oh and in case the regional officers haven't been asked to organise these meetings we should encourage them, with motions from branches or do it ourselves in our towns and cities.


To: Chief Executives in England, Wales & N Ireland
(with copies for Personnel Director & Finance Director)

Members of the National Joint Council

Provincial/Associated Joint Secretaries

Local Authority Associations’ Secretaries

24 July 2008

Dear Colleague,


The following statement has been issued today on behalf of the National Employers and UNISON and Unite:

“Local government unions UNISON and Unite, and the National Employers, in the context of the current dispute on the 2008 pay settlement, agree that a new era of employment is needed to reflect properly the contribution of the workforce in purview of the NJC to service improvements and the future needs of local people.

Therefore, to secure this new settlement, the partners are committed to immediate serious and meaningful negotiations over a range of issues, including those in the trade union claim this year and a full review of the national conditions of service. These discussions will be on the basis of nothing ruled in or out and will aim to conclude with early proposals that recognise the aspirations of the workforce in the context of the financial position of local government.

Both the National Employers and UNISON and Unite will enter into these negotiations constructively with the aim of securing an employment package which is fit for the future with positive industrial relations, high quality and efficient local services and resolves the current dispute”

The agreed talks are scheduled to begin on Wednesday 13 August.

signed by Employers secretary, Heather Wakefield, UNISON, Pete Allenson, UNITE

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

unions postpone action for talks?

According to unison website tonight the NJC has called off action for talks. See here

forgive me for posting quickly, but we need to respond to this quickly

whats wrong with this picture?

after an upbeat mood from the membership and a very successful (even if more patchy in some parts) two days of action, we have not lifted the pressure by suspending action until September?

so we have agreement of talks (with no dates or timetables as yet)

yes we want the employers to come back to the table and since they said 2.45% was the final offer, if this means the employers are ready to increase this figure substaintially then good we should talk, but and its a big but, why lift the threat of further action.

were the NJC given a proposed figure that the employer would come up with? were the NJC convinced that the offer was good enough to not need the threat of further action?

we should be calling the shots more, keeping the pressure on. if they have agreed to talk then this is thanks to our action, we should at the very least agreed for the NJC to meet again in a week or 10 days time to set dates for further action if the employers offer was not worth putting to the membership,

but telling the employers we're calling off action, and will discuss again in September gives the employer the upper hand, they can string out discussions believing that as each day passes the membership will be less motivated to more action, with rumours about what amount we would be offered / accept misdirecting the membership, perhaps the delays would mean we would need the expense of another ballot for action in the autumn.

this is not inevitable with rallies, public meetings and getting public sector workers and service users together including political campaigning can prevent the membership from stepping down, but by agreeing to postpone even talk of further action until september when we are still in july doesnt help those of us who want to keep our members mobilised for action if and when necessary

could not this time while talking with employers have been used usefully to discuss the types of action with the regions and open activist meetings in every locality, i.e. discussing if selective action would work, if not why not and if yes, how would we improve on how it was used learning lessons from london weighting etc

we still need to ensure regions call these meetings, even if full timers are happy for us to wait


join more discussion on this locgovactivists list or post to this blog

Sunday, July 20, 2008

starting again

I set this blog up a few years ago and didn't use it.
I am now ready to start again and will give it a shot to try and form part of discussing the present low pay disputes, the state of the left and activism in the north east, what I am planning and have been up to for my friends, amongst other things